
Our production philosophy

我们的生产理念 地中海蜗牛养殖部门建立了一个创新的组织模式。
我们拥有知识、科学专业化、创新和长期经验。 我们的生产理念创造了新一代标准化的蜗牛产品,甚至满足了最苛刻的消费者。


Our production units of intensive snail breeding are located all over Greece.
The breeding process treats the environment with the upmost respect, abstaining from the use of chemicals. Very soon the breeding process will be entirely organic.

The produced snails, through the appropriate treatment and standardization, are being processed into safe and reliable standardized high-quality products, following both the Mediterranean food model and the consumers’ demands.


The breeding takes place inside nethouses where the reproduction areas and fattening areas are organized separately. Specific education, management and organization standards are being applied to all our breeding units, as well as strict control procedures.

All these things assure:

Specific and invariable organoleptic properties of the product produced by all the production units

Anticipated production size

Productive organization chart that determines the time and the delivered quantity of the product in an annual base. The development of an internal control and snail production certification system, in order to support the product’s reliability level in the market and disclose its benefits


Cretan snails in Crete, Karavoli snails in Dodecanese islands, petit gris and gros gris in France are some of the names of the breeding snail with the scientific name Cornu aspersum.

[Its former scientific name was Helix aspersa aspersa (O. F. Müller, 1774) and Helix aspersa maxima (O.F. Taylor, 1883).]

It is one of the most important edible snails in the world.

The snail meat is low in calories yet rich in protein, amino acids, calcium, iron and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is very tasty and easy to digest.


Mediterranean Escargots has created a new innovative product, unique in its kind: white snails (Cornu aspersum). The white snails are unique worldwide and their development is the result of more than 20 years of scientific research. White snails are raised solely with Greek organic foods and herbs, free of any use of chemicals and antibiotics, and strictly abiding by the animal welfare code of practice breeding.